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Betting a Come Bet in Craps

You can think of Come Bets as mini Pass Line bets or even traveling Pass Line bets. Win 7-11, lose 2-3-12; otherwise, a Point is rolled, it goes into that Point, and just like the Pass Line, you're able to add Odds to it. If the Point rolls again, it wins; if the 7 rolls, it loses.

Most players shy away from Come Bets. A number has to be rolled twice to be paid, and they can get expensive because you should be adding Odds. Place Bets are a good alternative for players who don't want to spend much money. You can pick a number and call it a day.

Come Bets are good bets from a math point of view because you get maximum value with the Odds, so players who are most concerned with getting the most bang for their dollar will play Come Bets.

Come Bets Intermediate Roll
Intermediate Roll Pays Wins Loses
While in COME Even Money 7 or 11 2, 3, 12
While in Point Even Money When Point Rolls 7
Come Bets - Comeout Roll
Comeout Roll Pays Wins Loses
While in Point Even Money When Point Rolls 7
  • You can only make a Come Bet during the Intermediate Roll
  • Come bets are contract bets after they move into a point.
  • Come bets are always working.
Come bet
Overhead view of the come bet area.

How Do You Bet a Come Bet in Craps?

Come bets are self service so if you want to make a Come bet then you must place it in the COME yourself. Watch your bet. If other players are making Come bets then you need to be able know which is yours and make sure the dealer is placing that bet in your spot.

How to bet a come bet
Up close view of multiple bets in the COME area.

Come Bets Work During the Comeout Roll

Come bets are always working. After a Come bet is inside a Point it is always betting that the Point it's inside will roll before the 7. You can't turn it off or take it back so no matter what stage in the game you're at you can count on your Come Bet winning or losing at any given moment.

Come bets always work
A come bet on the point eight and the puck is off.

What Are the Two Stages of a Come Bet in Craps?

Stage One - In the COME

There are two stages to a Come bet. The first is the original bet, which you place in the COME. While in the COME the Come bet wins when 7 or 11 is rolled and loses when 2, 3, or 12 are rolled.

Stage one of a come bet
$10 in the come with the puck on nine.

Stage Two - Inside a Point

The second stage is the Point it moves to, which is determined by the roll of the dice. While inside a Point, the Come bet wins when that Point is rolled again and loses if the 7 is rolled. Odds on your Come bets are not contract so you can take them back at any time.

Once a Come bet moves inside a Point it becomes a contract bet meaning that once it's in there you can't take it back.

Stage two of a come bet
$10 come bet on the point eight

Where Is Your Come Bet on the Craps Table?

Come bets are placed in the same spot as your Place Bets except inside the box so you can tell the difference between the two. A Buy Bet on a Point is actually put in the same spot as a Come bet and the only way to distinguish between the two is the fact that a Buy bet has a BUY lammer on top of it to let everyone know it's a Buy bet. Without the lammer on top, a Buy bet would look exactly like a Come bet.

Placement of a come bet inside a point
Up close view of two place bets and the craps rail. There are eight colored spots that correspond with each other.

What Does the Come Bet Pay in Craps?

A Come bet can win during the Comeout Roll or the Intermediate Roll. No matter what stage of the game you're in, a Come bet will always win even money.

In the Come
$10 paid $10 in the come bet area. There are two sets of orange dice. One reads 2-5 and the other 6-5.
When the Point Rolls
$25 paid $25 in the come area with an arrow coming out of the point nine. Two orange dice read 5-4.

Come Bet Payment Calculator

Check the payment for a Come Bet.

Check the payment for all the bets on the craps table here.

What Are Some Come Bet Terms Used at the Craps Table?

There are certain terms used when setting up, taking down, and paying your Come bets. Know what the dealers are doing and saying while servicing your Come bets.

"On For..."

When a Point is rolled a Come bet will move into that Point. When that happens the dealer will let you know that your Come bet has moved into that Point by saying “you're on the __point__ for __amount__.” They are letting you know they moved your Come bet into the Point and now would be the time to add Odds. E.g. if you had a $10 Come bet and the 6 rolled the dealer would say “you're on the six for $10.”

Come Bets - On For
$10 moving from the come area into the point six. Two orange dice show 1-5.

How Can You Bet a Come Bet for the Dealers?

Come bets for dealers don't have to be in any specific denomination because you can't bet an improper amount in the Come. Just like a players' bet, a Come bet for the dealers goes right into the next Point that rolls. The dealers bet is placed in the middle of the Point to signify it belongs to the dealers and gets paid even money if the Point is rolled again.

Dealer come bet
$1 in the middle of the point four.